Letยดs share Hope!

"Older women must encourage younger women
to love husbands and children,
to live wisely and be pure,
to work in their homes,
to do good and to be submissive to their husbands.
Then they will not bring shame on the Word of God
โ€”Titus 2:3-5


My sweet families, back in the day when you first went to high school, when you started to date when you got married and then your firstborn came into the picture, do you ever wished you had someone to walk with in your journey, someone who could truly encourage you to go to the only One who truly loves us?

Well, I did want that!! A woman who gave me hope that it would be better if I surrendered everything to my Beloved!! I want to invite all to read this first part of the chapter A Wise Woman in Waiting: Women, Encourage Younger Women.

Encourage, Teach, Train
โฐย Quick 4-Minute read

Because we are a family and we want to encourage all of you to become that Wiser Woman who can teach others who have walked through different valleys of death and have a lot of His wisdom to share to help others soar through their rough seasons!

"God has called us to encourage, help guide, and teach what we now know is true. No matter how old you are, you are an older example to someone younger. Your life can also shout volumes to older women "as they observe your pure and respectful behavior" because "Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words." Whether you are in your early teens, twenties, or thirties, you can change the life of one girl, a young girl who can be influenced wisely by you as you share and live the truth found in God's Word and His promises."

Enjoy this first chapter and letยดs bless others!!

2 thoughts on “Letยดs share Hope!”

  1. Yes Isabella I wish I had an older woman that could have encouraged me!! Especially to surrender everything to Him I loved reading this “Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words.” I truly hope that how I live my life will speak volumes.

    1. Yes, my sweet Atarah!! I love the way how the Lord is leading us to speak life into our youth!!

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