My Safe Place Changed

I always saw the place where I lived as my safe place but then suddenly I moved the weekend into a place with my parents. Friday morning while chatting to my Darling I said that I don't have a safe place any more, when He replied but He wants to be my safe place, wow yes yes He is suppose to be my Safe Place and He is the only Safe Place that can give me the peace that surpasses all understanding.

And it was when my Darling led me, to listen to Living Lesson 79, that I totally understood that I had to be taken out of my comfort zone, because our wonderful Lord wanted me to depend on Him a lot more.

Dear precious bride, today I can tell you, it feels ok to surrender, it's ok not to know completely what the future holds, as long as my future is in the Lord's hands, which it is.

Please read the following passages taken out of Finding the Abundant Life - Chapter 10 "Surrender" -

Surrender is the path to the abundant life, and therefore it is something that we struggle with. Surrender simply means to give up control of and to place our destiny in the hands of another. However, as long as we maintain any control over any aspect of our lives, we lose the opportunity for real freedom, the freedom that brings both joy and peace.

The truth isโ€”thinking and reasoning will ultimately lead to worry and fear, which takes time and energy away from intimacy with the Lord. He has told me time and again that He does not need a wife or a helperโ€”He is complete. What He longs for is a bride who is not stressed and consumed with problems.

12 thoughts on “My Safe Place Changed”

  1. Dear Janine, thanks for sharing! Surrendering is so beautiful, and sometimes itโ€™s hard for me to admit that because I used to think by controlling everything, โ€œIโ€ can make it happen. Now I just give it to the Lord, like everything and of course, that canโ€™t be done without entrusting my life in Him.

    1. Surrendering is really so beautiful precious Gioia, because it leaves us with a peace that surpasses all understanding. I also taught I could control everything or lets say I tried to control everything and I was so wrong. I get to trust my Darling more and more –

  2. It’s amazing how the Lord can use even the most difficult circumstances to draw us closer to Him. I’m glad that you were able to find peace and comfort in Him during this time. He is truly our safe place. When we surrender to our Beloved, we are letting go of our need to control everything and trusting that He will take care of us. I love this statement you posted โ€œHe has told me time and again that He does not need a wife or a helperโ€”He is complete. What He longs for is a bride who is not stressed and consumed with problems.โ€ How relaxing and freeing. ๐Ÿฅฐ

  3. Definitely dear Hope, I just love how our wonderful Lord draws us closer to Him and it is only Him that can give us the peace that surpasses all understanding in the midst of challenges.

  4. Janine I can relate so much to what you shared, when I moved few months ago, it also felt like I was leaving my safe space, but as you shared, our safe place is not a house, money or anything else, our safe place is with our Beloved. And just as He was with you, and me, in our previous houses, He is with us in our new houses, making it our new safe place!

    1. Yes dear Adina, it is really not a house, money or anything else and He is any way the best ever Safe Place.

  5. Thank you Janine l love those last 2 passages that you shared from those lessons and even tho l have read and journaled its a good reminder and encourager to surrender in all aspects of our lives and even though yours was to surrender where you live we have to always remember to surrender in all areas of our lives especially if its something thats causing you to worry… Then you must know hey… I need to surrender this… Yes He loves taking us out of our comfort zones to deped on Him more ๐Ÿ™

    1. Yes dear Atarah in every area of our lives, because I want that real freedom our Lord has for us.

  6. At first, surrendering seems so hard, but the blessings within!! Thank you for sharing sweet Janine, I am more than excited to get to be a part of this journey with you!!! This is a new start for all of you with the Lord, now your family can come together and be intentional for the Lord! He will open new paths for you, and bless you beyond your wildest dreams!

    1. Thank you so very much dear Isabella, this is really a new journey and I get go really depend more on the Lord. I have to admit it was a bit hard at the beginning but yes there are so many blessing within, because here is a lot of load shedding (electricity that is off), which I did not have at the previous place but I get to sit and have talks with my mum and the Lord is busy healing my relationship with my parents, because I had rebellion after school and after my divorce years ago –

  7. “Surrender is the path to the abundant life, and therefore it is something that we struggle with. Surrender simply means to give up control of and to place our destiny in the hands of another. However, as long as we maintain any control over any aspect of our lives, we lose the opportunity for real freedom, the freedom that brings both joy and peace. ” I loved this so much other than an answer to me, it is so truth that only when we surrender and give Him all we have we feel that freedom and we feel peace.

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