Only 15 Days Left…

Can you believe it!!! There are only 15 days of 2023 left!

I don't know about your year, but this was pretty much a "tough" year for me. I moved after I didn't really want to move, my dad had a stroke... and of course my list could go on. But as I was sitting here and thinking about the year, my Darling Husband led me to apply thankfulness therapy on the last 3 Saturday's of 2023 and reflect positively on the year that is almost over...

After reading Yvonne's post I was reminded that we have two choices: either we can look at everything negatively or positively and if we truly believe this promise: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. R8:28" we will look for the good in every situation.

β€’ I am grateful that I got to know our wonderful Lord as my Heavenly Husband this year.
β€’ I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and that my Beloved Lord is with me every step of the way and that I no longer have to do anything alone.
β€’ I am grateful that our Healing Miracle-Working Lord spared my dad's life and is healing him more and more every day.
β€’ I am grateful that I have become part of a family here at RMI, I am grateful for every precious woman here and I am so grateful for everything I am learning here.
β€’ I am grateful for every dear precious woman that the Lord leads to RMI, you are very special to me and so much more to our wonderful Lord who loves you incredibly.

"...give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus" 1T5:18

And now as I think my year wasn't actually so "tough" because it was a year full of blessings!

I would like to encourage you to please join me in being thankful, seeing the good things in this year that is almost over, so please share what you are thankful for...

14 thoughts on “Only 15 Days Left…”

  1. Dearest Janine, I can also say that it was not one of the easiest years. I also had to move even if I didn’t want to, but the blessing for my obedience was to see my children again every day after I lost them for a season (

    The move (moving back to my old town) meant I had to face a lot of painful memories, but the blessing that came with it was getting closer to my HH and trusting in Him for healing for every painful memory.

    There were also many other trials, but from each one I learned something about our Beloved’s faithfulness and His heart for us.

    My Beloved put the desire in my heart to homeschool the children, and without me saying a word to my fh, my Beloved turned his heart to want it for the children as well.

    Then of course for the everyday things, like a roof over our head, food to eat and health.

    But what I am most grateful for is that He loves us so immensely, that He knows everything about us and wants to wrap us in His immense and incredible love, that He has wonderful plans for each one of us and that He died to give us the Abundant Life.

    1. Thank you precious Adina for sharing all this beautiful testimonies that came out of trials, I just love when our Darling takes over.

  2. I am hopeful with something I heard in a teaching that God promises to take the ashes and make something utterly beautiful. not just an acceptable situation…something breath taking.

    1. Yes precious Anna, that is what our Darling Lord does, He makes something utterly beautiful.

    1. Yes precious Paula and a fact we can hold on to, because our Darling Lord really has everything under control.

  3. Sois benie Jeanine pour ce message,
    moi aussi j’ete triste car cette annΓ©e a ete tres dure pour moi , mais grace a ton temoignage je prend la decision d’etre reconnaissante a mon MC pour tout ce qu il a accompli pour moi et rester positive.😊

    Be blessed Jeanine for this message,
    I too am sad because this year has been very hard for me, but thanks to your testimony I am making the decision to be grateful to my MC for everything he has accomplished for me and to stay positive.😊

    1. Thank you precious Elise, our Darling Lord is the best ever and all because of Him we can be grateful and positive because He is our Hope.

  4. Dear Janine,
    i shall join you in the be thankfull for the blessings that my Beloved has done for me.
    The start of this year started with intense trials. Which I had thought I would come from the valley of agor that year. And He kept me there all yearπŸ˜…?
    It started with my beautiful daughter (young adult) permanently coming to live with me. After a disagreement with the relative she was staying with.
    Then my eldest son’s troubled school period began.
    This year I also had my fair share of trials with my youngest son. How happy I am with the parenting principles from the book “A Wise Woman”. Your Mother’s Teachings.
    To also share with you that in addition to the necessary private trials in my current work, I have also experienced some struggles.

    I am certainly also grateful to Him for the many blessings and favors He has given me, such as:
    -Through all the trials and struggles I have become even closer to Him. He kept me moving, not so fast as i hope, but He never let go of my hand.
    -He has brought me back to His Word. Has given me the desires to become a spokesperson for Him.
    -Even though I had to pay back a huge amount to the tax authorities this year because my daughter came to live with me with her own income. He has provided that.
    -This year He has again made it possible for me to work fewer hours for my employer with the same amount of financial resources.
    -My eldest son has been given a permanent work contract.
    -My daughter has never been out of work. After every job interview she has, the employer wants to hire her.
    -I recently started maintaining a healthier lifestyle in terms of food and exercise
    -His protection at times when I do not realize that there is danger or discomfort in my path.

    In short, there are so many more blessings I could mention. However, I’m going to stop otherwise it will be much too longπŸ˜‚.

    My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline,
    and do not resent his rebuke,
    because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
    as a father the son he delights in. Provebs 3:11-12

    1. Thank you for sharing the many beautiful testimonies precious Kristine, all because of our Darling Lord and I am sure there are many more, because that is just how He is, the Best ever!

  5. Thank you for sharing. I am grateful for your encouragement to be thankful and see the good in every situation. I know that this year has been difficult for many people, but I hope that we can all find ways to be thankful for the good things in our lives.

    1. Dear precious Hope, with Him beside us, we can see the good in every situation, because He is right in the middle of the situation and HE IS GOOD, I just love my Darling.

  6. Thank you dear Janine for opening your heart to us.
    It wasn’t an easy year for me either, but it was full of victories and achievements.
    I had losses, but I gained much more than I lost. I had struggles and difficulties, but I smiled a lot more than I cried…
    And everything was because of Him, my Beloved, because of her immense love for me, who brought me to the Ministry and has daily poured portions of faith and hope into my life.
    Just gratitude for He transformed my life and my home.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’“

    1. Yes precious Marta, thank you for sharing and yes it is all because of Him, He is the whole reason we can be grateful and the reason we can smile, I just love Him!

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