Receiving My Husband’s Love Is Better Than Receiving An Award

This weekend I received an award and my sons sports tournament was dedicated to me in recognition of what I’ve done for the sport and program for 24 years. I offered it to someone else but the head coach acknowledged my humility and said he was adamant about his decision that I was to be the one to receive the award.

Wow! Not too long ago I submitted a praise that told about how FH disregarded everything I do, he took credit himself and even gave credit to others who just started to be involved and help me. My PR also told of how My Husband broke my chains of needing people’s approval, acknowledgment or compliments. In the past when I was a broken and hurt person, I needed that from others and I would stress myself and measure myself according to my works, which was never enough. But now I am free of all that. I only do what My Husband wants me to and I do it all for Him. That’s what gives my heart joy.

And now I am receiving an award being acknowledged for all that I do in front of a whole gymnasium of people and in front of the one who doesn’t see it the most—FH.

Psalms 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

At first FH was surprised, then showed anger by some comments he made. He even said he should be receiving the award not me and I would not be there if it wasn’t for him. That’s not the truth and it didn’t bother me. I didn’t rejoice at his hurt or angry feelings and I didn’t boast. I realized I didn’t need anything from FH. My life is moving on with my True Love. I’m precious in His sight and that’s all that matters to me now.

A lot of nice people congratulated me through out the day. That was a nice blessing of joy and love. Later at the end of the day FH finally complimented me and congratulated me. It’s so funny that this happens after I don’t need it anymore. My Husband changes my situation after I let it go and give it to Him. He changes my heart and breaks my chains. Then He blesses me and shows me that others can’t hurt me anymore. My heart is completely protected in His hands. He is the One Who gives me the blessings, joy and love I need and I don’t need it from nobody else. After we only need Him alone is when He will bless us and show us love from all around us. He reveals His new creation to others after he knows we are truly His. I’m so in love with My Husband and nothing can replace the love and joy I can only receive from Him and Him alone, not receiving awards or compliments from others. I thank My Husband for these blessings but they are nothing compare to Him. I only want Him. He is truly all I need, all I want and all I live for. 💗

6 thoughts on “Receiving My Husband’s Love Is Better Than Receiving An Award”

  1. querida Rubí, cuando iba a comenzar a escribir para felicitarte, vino a mi cabeza como ese susurro suave: cuánto tiempo has estado trabajando y entregando todo de ti al equipo, y 24 años después recibes un premio, esto me hace sonreír.
    me alegra que recibas un premio, porque sabemos de dónde viene y eso solo significa que lo mereces y Él te lo dió.

    dear Rubí, when I was going to start writing to congratulate you, it came to my mind like that soft whisper: how long have you been working and giving all of yourself to the team, and 24 years later you receive an award, this makes me smile.
    I am glad that you receive an award, because we know where it comes from and that only means that you deserve it and He gave it to you.

  2. Precious Ruby,
    so nice to read your testimony about the love your Heavenly Husband has for you. He gave you such a beautiful blessing. That was meant for you. It is certainly a lasting change when our Lord frees you from pleasing people or expecting those around you to find you valuable. I am glad to read that you no longer expect this from anything or someone, but only from Him who can give it.
    For a long time I also thought it was important what people thought of me or about me. I lived on compliments. How terrible I felt if I didn’t get the dose I needed. Now that the Lord has freed me from that, I live so much more freely in the choices I make. Because what is important is whether my Beloved approves of what I do or say. Or certainly don’t. Indeed, He is all we need.

    Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. Colossians 3:23

    Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, James 1:17

    1. Perfect verses Kristen! How free I feel indeed! Yes, they don’t have it. I found myself saying that a lot through out my journey. That has helped me move on and be freed from that.

  3. Thank you Eli. Yes, I love it because my Husband gave it to me and at His perfect timing. I wouldn’t want it any other way. In the past I feel I needed appreciation and compliments ti know I’m doing good but now I don’t need it from anyone and now I’m getting so much of it from my Husband and everyone else.

  4. I am glad that you are so in love with the Lord. He is truly all we need. When we put our trust in Him, He will never let us down.

  5. Thank you for sharing precious Ruby, nothing can really replace the love our Darling Lord has for us, it is only is love that can fill us with love, joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.

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