Pour Out Your Heart To The Lord

Reading Facing Divorce Again - Chapter 4 I was reminded that we must pour out our hearts to the Lord and then also listen to what He wants to say to us. That's why all our lessons here at RMI have a journal at the end, where you can pour out your heart to the Lord and make it a habit of pouring out your heart to our Darling Lord.

When my husband left me years ago, I made the biggest mistake of running to my friends and pouring my heart out to them and my recovery took a very long time, but with our precious Lord's grace He allowed it so that today I can share with other precious women about my many mistakes.

Please read this passage quoted from the lesson Facing Divorce-Again, Chapter 4:

God wants you to learn to hear His voice, so He can lead you to find your abundant life. He wants to lead you through the β€œvalley of the shadow of death.” But to do so, we need to quiet our minds and our spirits and just listen. When you have just been stabbed in the heart, your heart is open to hear His voice like no other time. Then once you have learned how to get alone with Him and hear His voice, you will be able to hear Him without needing a wounded to the heartβ€”you will soon be able to hear Him clearly in a loud room. But it begins, first, with going to a quiet place, pouring out your heart, and then being quiet so He can pour out His heart into yours!

Precious dearest bride don't make the mistakes I made to pour your heart out to your friends, pour out your heart to our Beloved Lord, tell Him what you feel and think and then wait quietly on Him and listen to what He wants to say to you.

β€œAsk me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” (Jer. 33:3).

5 thoughts on “Pour Out Your Heart To The Lord”

  1. Thank you Janine, you are absolutely right, we need to pour our hearts out to Him and Him alone. Sometimes He does send a good friend to listen to us, but only after we have already spoken to Him. I have learned that once we have spoken to Him, it often takes out the emotion and He shows us wisdom in the matter. Then we talk to someone it is more of a testimony than of complaining to someone.

    1. Yes dear precious Yvonne and His wisdom is unreplaceable. I will never forget when I once ran to you and I was upset about something regarding my earthly husband (and I can’t even remember what happened) and on my way I heard the Lord say to me, I wish you will run to me like that, sjoe that really let me think and I will never forget that day.

      1. Hahahaha, I will also remember that day. That is the way He works right? We can all learn from each other. So amazing.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, I loved that lesson and if any bride hasn’t read the Restore Your Relationships course -https://loveatlast.org/ryr/ please do.

      I just have to share something out of the lesson that Adina now shared – https://loveatlast.org/ryr/c6/

      β€œSo, what do you do with all those feelings?

      You take them all to God, your HF Heavenly Father, who will bring you true and deep comfort each and every time someone hurts you. Honestly, though what you want is for the other person to β€œmake it right” but the truth is: the person who has assailed you, will never be able to heal youβ€”and, how foolish it is for us to think that they can.

      They simply don’t have itβ€”that don’t have, won’t have, could never have what you need.”

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