He did it

My car insurance bill was passed due and my policy was cancelled recently. I was confused, because I didn’t think my HH would want me driving around with out it. And I had scheduled a bunch of dates with friends, Bible studies etc. So I drove anyways trusting He wouldn’t let me get in an accident or pulled over. I’m a bit rebellious I guess..
Well weeeeeks go by and still no money.
I recently asked Him If there was something I was doing wrong or if I need to do something like go to work. Which I really don’t think He changed his mind after he pulled me away from my job.

I suddenly understood that I should park my truck and not drive. I told him if I did that my friends would want to know why I couldn’t go with them to the group tonight. And I’d have to tell them the truth! Which means I would have to tell them about my financial situation.

So, I asked my friends if they could pick me up. Surprisingly they said no! I was surprised actually and they asked me to drive to town and meet them. So I told them I couldn’t. They asked why I couldn’t drive my truck into town just like I knew they would.
So I told them my insurance lapsed.

My friend instantly sent me her debit card info and told me to pay it.

I felt shame. I knew that one of the principles is to not ask for help or tell people I needed help, so I’m not helping my HH but it’s Him doing it.

I felt shame, like Lord i don’t want my friends paying my bills!
How will it get paid next month Lord? And the next?

Yes I actually said that.

Then my friend texted me and told me to pay for the 6 months payment option!

Yes. 6 whole months of car insurance for me. And she said it’s God’s money not hers.

I’m blown away as I type this out, I can now see more clearly How he knew they would ask why I couldnt drive. He knew when I would know I should park my truck. He knew it all and here I am blown away at it.

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