2021 IWAH “I Will ALLURE Her”


Adele in France thought she had done everything she could to save her marriage, and she was sure she was the one who should lead in spiritual matters. But soon after coming to RMIEW, she discovered that her focus was on the wrong things. Once she learned to turn her focus on the Lord, her HH and His Word, she was able to enjoy Peace in all circumstances and her marriage was RESTORED.

#Follow Adele   #Adele Francais

Dear Partner,

I hope you enjoyed hearing more about Adele who has recently stepped away from being our French Minister in order to do what she enjoys—being a Translator—who I consider to be our VIPs! Late in September we asked Poppy to take over as our French Minister after seeing the anointed praise reports and journals in French. Now Adele and Poppy have agreed to work hand in hand with the Lord in the center of their powerful 3 Cord!

“It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, but if there’s no one to help, tough!” Ecclesiastes 4:9 MSG

I’d also like to share something so special to me. I’m not due to share this until later—but because you are so dear to me I just can’t wait. He has AGAIN revealed His promise to Us for 2021

2021 IWAH “I Will ALLURE Her”

Not only did He give us our 2021 Promise but He also has led us to NEW easier navigation added for us on the page—you’ll begin to see it everywhere! Like the pictures on the top of Social Media Ministry and also on Our Fellowships on Zoom

Just click on the 2021 to see the New Year Promise or any other year to see His promise to you!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

You’ll also see MORE updates to navigation on our Encouraging Women Home Page —small pictures that can get you to where you want to go in less that 3 Clicks!

As always, I am honored to partner with you “for such a time as this” “to preserve many people alive” personally THANKING YOU, for lovingly supplying our Ministry Team, each of the women who make up the Body—reaching out to more women (and men) around the world.

"I thank God for every remembrance of you.” ♥‿♥


MUCH MUCH LOVE to each of you!

~ Erin

“My Beloved is mine, and I am His” “For I am lovesick.”  Song of Solomon 5:8, 2:16 

Encouraging Women!!

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