It seems more than ever we live in an Era that everything is “here and now.” Having to wait for…
Beloved Lord is faithful and I love Him so much. Due to my RJ our income has been drastically reduced.…
I just love my HH. I wish I could hug Him over and over. My sweet Beloved is the only One who…
Dear Partners, I want to thank you for your support, now I know that everything we sow, we harvest. In…
I said to myself I cannot let it pass without telling the Lord and the world that He is good.…
I have so much to praise my Beloved HH for I didn’t know which category to pick because I have…
Recently as the “Marriage Evaluation Team” MET Minister, my Beloved has laid the Ministry of Reconciliation deeply on my heart.…
Praise the Lord He is faithful! My EH is expecting a child from the OW and it was something that…
I am ecstatic about being about to lose my life, knowing that HE is enough. You see, I love my…