The Superpower: Waiting “I Hate Divorce” A Wise Woman in Waiting

โ€œDelightย yourself in the Lord, and He will give you theย desires of your heart.โ€ Psalm 37:4.

The Superpower: Waiting
โฐย 3-minute read

I Hate Divorce

In this chapter Erin is addressing the blessing of waiting in the Lord to meet their future spouse: "When you've only been with or loved the person you marry (just one woman or one man), they are the only one you will forever adore. Plus, you don't carry the open wounds, scars, and fears into your marriage! If you long to be treated as one-of-a-kind, special, adored, and cherishedโ€”talk to your Heavenly Father and ask Him to do this for you too. Moms who are reading this, your sons and daughters andย you deserve a future like this, too!!"

Yes our sweet brides, today we really need to understand that our children and youth are special for their Heavenly Father. In a world that is fast dragging our children to immorality and to hate faithfulness and everything that is pure, we need to set boundaries!

I was profoundly hurt because of my dating habits when I was a teen, as the chapter addresses, my mom just thought I was popular and felt important. I made the horrible mistake of putting my value into a boyยดs hand. Those relations were not meant to last. They just make me feel hurt and more alone.

Watching movies, and TV series I thought that my prince charming would come and treat me like a princess! Fool, fool, and fool I was, heartbreak, and after a breakup, I made a wall and became distant and scared of being harmed again.

I donยดt want that for my daughters! I pray that this new book teaches them the beauty of waiting in the Lod for the right person for each of them and the beauty of loving just one time!

Letยดs teach our youth that their Heavenly Father knows best and that waiting will make all the difference in their lives!

Letยดs share this first with our youth and share what you thought about it! I will share another part of this chapter next week, so we can write our comments and learn together!! ๐Ÿคฉ

2 thoughts on “The Superpower: Waiting “I Hate Divorce” A Wise Woman in Waiting”

  1. Thank you Isabella for sharing this chapter, it is so difficult these days with young children (tweens and teens) because they seem to be interested in dating earlier and earlier… My fh told my daughter she can start dating at 16 (I nearly fainted) but it planted a seed in her heart. But I gave this to my HH because only He as her HF can change her heart. But PTL we have a HH who can guide us through the difficult teenage years where they are so vulnerable to what they see and hear at school and on Social Media. I am so grateful my HH turned my fh heart regarding homeschooling and now it is a reality for next year, I am busy with the applications.

    1. Yes my dear, Praise the Lord Erin is writing these chapters, so our children can read them and learn the truths of our Beloved. He will guide us through this journey! We ned to guide all the people we know to the special truths that our Heavenly Husband has for us, so we can experience the abundant life He offers to us!
      I am beyong happy that my children are learning these principles!

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