He led me to create the 1st video, a Welcome video showing me the content

Hello ladies, I want to praise my HH \o/ We wanted to do something simpler with the Evaluation page that new brides are re-directed to once they complete the new and much easier to complete MEQ. He led me to create a WELCOME video. I was up one night and I could not sleep because it lay heavy on my heart asking HIM what can I do? He led me to create the 1st video, a Welcome video showing me the content.

He showed me how to create the content in a way that is encouraging and to help new brides understand the process. Well I just want to say that this is just the start because there's lots more changes to come. I must admit that I would like the process to go much quicker and to know exactly what to do and work on next but that has not been the case as I have been very dependent and reliant on my HH to show me what HE wants so that it's HIS PLAN that unfolds because every woman that comes here is His Bride.

Please watch the video and share feedback!! https://youtu.be/10eT9R_vk1g

4 thoughts on “He led me to create the 1st video, a Welcome video showing me the content”

  1. Wow! Atarah!! How beautiful and informative a video. It is a great idea! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Hello Atarah, what a beautifull and nice video. Sure something what can help the ladies to make them understand how our HH can help. You are so blessed🌟

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