“‘Test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven,
And pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”
—Malachi 3:10
Quick 4-minute read
"This promise from God you'll discover in the Bible is an incredibly exciting and powerful statement from our Creator, isn’t it? Nowhere else does God actually tell us to test Him—nowhere except in this one verse. Wouldn't you like to do something that will result in God literally opening and showering us from heaven? Can you imagine God pouring out His blessing on your life just because you tested Him and trusted He will do what He promised?
It's actually creating a new mindset to build your future on beginning today. Simply “‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse" Why? "...so that there may be [spiritual] food in My house." See what He says, "...and test Me now [not later] in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows’” (Mal. 3:10). It was our Warrior, the "Lord of hosts" who said this, which means He'll go to battle to make sure He keeps His Word!"
For the next days, we will read and discuss each section of this newly revised 🤩 Wise Woman in Waiting 🤩 https://homegrownministries.com/www/, giving us time to speak to our Beloved and then discuss what He's spoken to us, ask or pose questions—basically just ENJOY renewing our minds by washing us with His Word.
We are more than excited to be able to share this new book for all our young ladies!!
Je suis au bout du rouleau je tiens grâce à ma foi mais je meffondre physiquement je n’ai personne à qui parler.aidez moi
I’m at my wit’s end I’m holding on thanks to my faith but I’m physically collapsing I have no one to talk to. help me
Renouvelez votre esprit avec les documents du site et remplissez les journaux comme si vous parliez à quelqu’un. C’est ainsi.
Renew your mind with the site’s materials and fill out the diaries as if you were talking to someone. That’s the way.
Caroline saying that she should renew her mind ❣️
Chérie Caroline, je sais ce que tu ressens parce que j’y suis allé. Mais comme vous, je me suis accrochée à ma foi en Lui, j’ai tenu les mains de mon Époux Céleste et L’ai laissé me conduire… Sachez qu’Il est très intéressé à ce que vous couriez vers Lui, lui parliez, car Il a les réponses pour tout ce dont vous avez besoin… Et Il renouvellera aussi votre force…
Il y a une leçon qui m’aide toujours beaucoup, et chaque fois que je suis en crise, je cours pour la lire. Je vous laisse le lien ici.
Comme vous avez laissé votre message en français, je laisse donc le lien du cours en FRA : https://aidemaritale.com/coin-de-crise/
Soyez encouragés et fortifiés en Lui.🌷💕
Un super câlin.
I’m sorry, I came back to leave the message also in English.🥰
Dear Caroline, I know how you feel because I’ve been there. But like you, I held on to my faith in Him, held the hands of my Heavenly Husband, and let Him lead me… Know that He is very interested in you running to Him, talking to Him, for He has the answers for everything you need… And He will also renew your strength…
There’s a lesson that always helps me a lot, and whenever I’m in a crisis, I run to read it. I’ll leave the link here for you.
As you left your message in French, so I’ll leave the lesson link in FRA: https://aidemaritale.com/coin-de-crise/
Be encouraged and strengthened in Him.
A super hug.
This is so beautiful, I loved reading every part of this Chapter. A brilliant way to teach young people to start it early, because yes greed and fear played a big role in my life and the day I started tithing, my life changed for the good and not just the money part, I feel so much closer to my HH. I wish I had learned it from a young age.
I just love how our Beloved is leading us to teach and train our youth!!! This principle changed my life forever!!!
I love love LOVE to have this available for young women! He knows it was a desire of my heart to share with them since I started my journey! I Praise the Lord for His faithfulness 🥳🥳🥳 Thank you Erin too!
Louvo ao nosso amado por tudo isso. Como eu gostaria de ter conhecido essa verdade há mais tempo. Mas sei que Ele tem o tempo certo para cada coisa e tudo coopera para o nosso bem. Me alegro por ter esse material disponível hoje para nossas jovens em espera, é um tesouro. Aplicar os princípios do dizimo ensinados aqui no ministério nos faz viver uma vida abundante. Repleta de bênçãos, infinitas.
Obrigada querida Erin por se entregar ao nosso amado e ser usada por Ele para falar a nossos corações. 💖