There is hope and much happiness here❤️

Dear friends, we just finished our Wise Woman Fellowship, where we shared about how we joined the Restoration Fellowship, and I was able to share that this was one of the obstacles that my Loving Heavenly Husband wonderfully helped me overcome, giving me the opportunity to each day I grew in intimacy with Him. He introduced me to RMI, and here in this blessed ministry I learned that I am His Church, and that in order for me to continue growing in intimacy, having an even deeper and closer relationship with my Beloved , I needed to be alone with Him. And since then so many wonderful blessings have been poured into my life that my heart flutters with joy and desire to be able to spread to other women that they too can experience the same rest and love that I found in the arms of the My first love.

Here we are like-minded women, women who want to live only his will for their lives, and that was what I was looking for. I wanted more of Him, more of His presence in my life, and now, now, I'm living the abundant life that I've read over and over again that brides reported in their praise reports.

This week in particular I am beaming with joy, as we have started to share the course “A Wise Woman in Waiting💛” on the Portuguese blog. And it is with tears in my eyes that I thank my Beloved who brought us to such a moment as this, because we were called by Him to be the “older women” for the young women He has placed in our lives!

Uma Mulher Sábia em Espera 💛

“He helps us in all our afflictions so that we can help those who have the same afflictions as we have. And we give others the same help we receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4

I can't help but thank and admire Him for the way He continues to direct our steps and bring us closer everyday closer to Him ❤️

Oh dear, we are very happy for the paths that our Beloved has led us, where we are traveling knowing that “greater things He will do” in our ministry.

What we want is for everyone to feel excited like us, and also want to be that “older woman” teaching the younger ones, which could be your daughter, niece, your friend’s daughter, that young woman that He puts in your way, and give you the opportunity to minister in her life, taking His Word of Hope.

Older women”, we arrived here and we are being prepared for “a time like this”.

Younger women”, get ready for the most beautiful and exciting journey of your life, because you are also being prepared for a future directed by Him, and that makes your journey even more incredible!💛

Ladies, we were called to build bridges, and go beyond what we think, because “His plans are bigger and better than ours”.

What I can say to everyone is that “there is hope and a lot of happiness here.”🌷

5 thoughts on “There is hope and much happiness here❤️”

  1. Thank you, my dear Marta💗 There is so much hope when I look to this cover my heart bursts with joy, because we all know the plans He has for us and for all the young ladies that He wants us to be a bridge builder! May we all keep on looking to Him ans lsiten to His sweet and small voice calling all His brides!

  2. Dearest Marta I love that you are beginning “A Wise Woman in Waiting💛” because I have found I LOVE 💗 this version of “A Wise Woman” more than the original.
    Encourage Young Women is brand new, revised this year and now my Husband and I are daily working together on “I Hate Divorce” that isn’t revised but brand new, from scratch that should surprise you as much as it’s surprising me 😍🤩
    I believe the more women who are desperate for restoration and healing take this course asking their Husband to know who (what young lady) needs to hear its truths to build her life on—the more we will see entire families and communities healed and whole as a light in this ever darker world.
    Bless you and the PTG 🇧🇷 MINISTRY

    1. Thank you dear Erin, I too love all that my Beloved has given me to share with these young women, and having a young lady in the house, this desire to spread That Hope burns brighter in my heart. I hope that she too will one day become the “older woman” to show the young girls in her life about all that He taught her.

  3. Beautiful Marta! We were looking to resolve our marital situation and He gave us many other gifts here at RMI!! I thank the Lord for your life and for how much you contribute to this amazing Ministry, to encourage us through your testimony!! XOXO ❤️❤️❤️

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